San Fulgencio virtually ungovernable, according to PIPN President

San Fulgencio virtually ungovernable, according to PIPN President
San Fulgencio virtually ungovernable, according to PIPN President

Following the dismissal (or resignation) of Carlos Ramírez, the former mayor, and instructions from the Provincial Executive of the PP (Partido Popular) for the six councillors, on the threat of expulsion, to leave the government by the end of the week, the political situation in San Fulgencio is now in absolute turmoil.

Ramírez was recently disqualified from office by the courts for a period of eight and a half years, after being found guilty of contractual prevarication, but he appeared to be clinging to office, unbelievably with the support of Isabel Bonig, the president of the PP in the Valencian Community.  

Now, however, the Provincial Executive have stepped in, both reproaching Isabel Bonig and instructing the six San Fulgencio councillors to leave their government positions.

The secretary of the PSPV-PSOE, José Muñoz, whose party holds two council seats said that he was appalled “that despite the convictions for corruption, and the scandals and trials that have shamed us all, nothing in the PP has changed and they continue to support corruption.”

The PIPN British Councillor, Samantha Hull, endorsed Muñoz’s remarks but, as well as her concern over the governability of the municipality, she wants to see nullified the €16 million contract recently awarded by the PP for the waste Disposal Service. She made the following statement to the Leader:


Since the announcement that all six councillors belonging to the Partido Popular (PP) in San Fulgencio have been asked to leave their government posts by the end of this week, the PIPN has taken the view that the municipality is now virtually ungovernable.

“It’s a complete mess, and could have been totally avoided if Mayor Carlos Ramirez had resigned as soon as he had been found guilty by the court for what he had been charged with. His PP colleagues – supported by a member of the UPyD party who makes up the government team – have continued to support him in every vote taken at three council meetings since the guilty verdict was handed down.

“Our prime concern now is to prevent the planned passing of the contract for rubbish collection and cleaning services that amounts to €16,000,000 over a period of 22 years. A municipality the size of San Fulgencio – with only 7,000 people – cannot justify such expenditure at this time. It is morally wrong that a public official that has been found guilty of charges connected to other spending decisions can be allowed to continue in post and commit the municipality to so much money…especially as his sentence would preclude him from standing for office at the next municipal elections in 2019. His councillors supporting Carlos Ramirez at every step of the way makes me question their morals too.

“The PIPN are seeking legal advice as to what, constitutionally, happens next as I believe such a scenario is unique in Spain – where ALL the governing party councillors have been told to leave their posts – and once again it is San Fulgencio being painted in the worst possible and negative lights.

“As I understand it, the PP councillors are only being asked to leave their government positions and NOT resign as councillors…so therefore, who takes over their jobs next week? It really is an enormous mess.”