Extinguished Fire Fighters Club v Association of Retired Police officers, Fun Day.


For the third year running a contest was held on Saturday 23rd September by members of The extinguished Fire Fighters Club (ExFire) and The Association of Retired Police Officers (ARPO) at the Green Baize Club in Quesada.

The contest consists of games of Snooker, Darts, Pool and Dominoes and this year ExFire won with a 3 – 1 victory. To date ExFire have a 2 – 1 lead over ARPO but there’s always next year to level the scores !!

A raffle was held and ExFire have a pot of 180 Euros to give to their chosen charities at Christmas as they have over the past few years. After the various matches a lunch of Fish & Chips was served and our “Thanks” go to Quesada Fish and Chips and The Green Baize Club for yet another fantastic day. 

If anybody has a past life in either the Fire Service or the Police Force and would like to join either of the above clubs then please email davedanie@gmail.com or go to FaceBook for Extinguished Firefighters or website: arpo.org.uk for Ex Police.