The Left has not failed

The founder of the Italian Communist Party, Antonio Gramsci

(Although it seems that after the last elections the Left has suffered a serious setback, it also seems that has not failed in its approaches.)

 I have already said before that what really matters is not so much the economic progress of Spain, but the change of mentality in the majority of people, until achieve a complete secularization of life, customs and institutions. It will be ambivalent to be left-winger or right-winger because at the bottom everybody will think the same on fundamental topics.

How do they do? Applying to the letter the principles of the founder of the Italian Communist Party, Antonio Gramsci, who said: We must create a new specific revolutionary strategy to achieve the victory of the left in Western Europe and for this, we must conquer ideologically intellectuals especially through school, it must replace the church.

Intellectuals are considered the most effective disseminators of ideas. The university, teaching, education, art and the media should be made from the left and bearers of changing values in society. It is about to develop a new “common sense” rootless from the Christian tradition.

I mean any argument that deny the existence of God, will be described as “modern”, “progressive” and “democratic”; whereas, the arguments that lead to believe in God and eternal life will be accused of “old”, “reactionary” and “fascists.”

Thus the youth is educated in many public schools and the results are already being noticed. The teaching of religion was suppressed and was replaced by the subject of “Education for Citizenship” that is a set of aberrations. The disobedience and disrespect to the parents, the masturbation and the incitement to sexual intercourse are incited. For this, condoms are distributed in an indiscriminate way and the parties of the weekend, the alcohol and the mockery of all kinds of religion or belief, etc. are incited.

All this, together with the proliferation of magazines and pornographic films, incite constantly to the young people to seek the pleasure in a selfishly and indiscriminate way. The result: many of these young people are as anesthetized and their only aspiration is to work little, earn as much money as possible and have fun.

Then it is time to manipulate these people, drawing them to organize gathering or demonstrations that will be considered product of the popular indignation. And this will be transformed easily into a powerful pressure group led by the left.

Isabel Costa

Independent Forum of Opinion