Tandem Sky Jump For Charity


Erica – orginally from England, now living in spain has always had an ambition to do a sky dive.

Finally after some encouragement from a friend she registered and paid for the jump herself .

As she was doing the jump in anyway, she decided to make it worthwhile and raise some money for  the  Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity.

On the 12th August 2017 at a small airfield in Castellon, Erica and her sky dive partner jumped out of a small plane, from 4,000 metres ( approx 13000 feet)  free falling for the first 60 seconds before the parchute opened!    Watched by her husband Alan and youngest grandson Aden who remained safely on the ground! 

Through the generosity of  friends from the Petanka Group, Urbanisations Buena Vista 9 and 10  Rojales, the Bridge Bar Rojales, Nev, Mick and friends at the monthly Charity Quiz held at  Rialto Restaurant Benimar,  family and friends in England – the amount of sponsorship raised for the charity totalled 1,250 euos. Erica would like to thank all of the people who so generously sponsored her.

On the 28th August 2017 the money raised was presented to the Charity. Two volunteers, who work for the  Charity, Meeche and  Valerie, accepted the cheque on behalf of the Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity at the Petanca pitch Quesada.  Without encouragement from Meeche who herself has done a solo sky dive, Erica thinks she might not have realised her ambition.

The Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity,  was created  to assist terminally ill patients, free of charge and in their own home environment, adminstering care with dignity and compassion.  The dedicated nurses are experienced in pallative care and work alongside Doctors to   effectively manage pain and  symptoms  They also provide emotional support to the patient and family.  The charity is a non-profit making organisation that relies on donations and its charity shops.

Anyone needing their nursing services or wishing to support the charity can contact them on 966 790 363.