25 healthy food choices that will help to burn belly fat

25 healthy food choices that will help to burn belly fat
25 healthy food choices that will help to burn belly fat

Fat inside the belly, also known as visceral fat, is very harmful to the health and is a major risk factor for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and many more health complications.

Whilst it is not possible to spot reduce fat, here we list 25 healthy food choices that will help to reduce overall fat and, in turn, will aid in burning excessive belly fat.

Greek Yogurt

Low or nonfat, low-sugar, Greek yogurt is higher in protein than any other yogurt. 100g of greek yogurt contains just 60 calories and 10g of protein. Greek yogurt takes longer to digest and will keep you satisfied for longer. Also, the high protein content means that it is harder for the body to digest so more calories are burned.


Quinoa is packed full of nutrients and is widely known as a superfood. 100g of quinoa contains 120 calories and 4.4g of complete protein (meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids). It is rich in zinc, selenium, iron, and vitamin E. Quinoa is a great addition to almost any other food such a vegetables or lean meat.


Cinnamon is thought to be very good for stabilising blood sugar levels and, therefore, is highly recommended for people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It can be consumed with tea, coffee, or other foods to add sweetness without the calories.

Hot Peppers

Adding hot peppers may help to urn body fat according to a study by the University of Calefornia Los Angeles. Hot peppers contain a compound called called dihydrocapsiate or DCT. DCt was found to burn an increase  of 100 extra calories a day for a 110-pound woman and 200 extra calories for a 200-pound man.

Green Tea



Raw Vegetables



Apples and Pears





Sweet Potatoes







Skimmed Milk

Lean Meat


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