Know you can sing but scared of looking stupid? Want to sing but don’t know where to start? Sang at school but lost confidence? Been told you can’t sing? Or just want a change from Karaoke and don’t know how?

Help is at hand!  The Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) is offering a free “LEARN TO SING HARMONY IN A DAY” course on Saturday, 20 May 2017 in LOS ALCÁZARES

Gain invaluable experience from members of SABS triple gold medallists, Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus, and their Musical Director, Wendy Grant.  Learn the techniques to help you to improve your singing.  “This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their voice and to learn about singing four-part harmony”, comments Wendy.  “Those with lower voices are particularly welcome as, in our experience, they have often been told in the past that they can’t sing, which is usually far from the truth.”

SABS President, Lyn Baines, says “We will learn a new song together and in the afternoon we will perform it for friends and family. Our method of teaching has been really successful both in the UK and in Spain, and we are expecting an enthusiastic response.”

There are limited places available, so make sure that you contact Lyn Baines by Sunday, 30 April to secure your place – call 968 334 527 or 968 574 987 or email president@sabs.es now.

The Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) was formed in October 2008 with the aim of encouraging the people of Spain to enjoy this unique form of a cappella, four-part harmony singing. SABS currently has members throughout Spain, Portugal and the Canary Islands. If you would like to find out more, please visit their website: www.sabs.es