With 2017 being the Holy Jubilee Year Caravaca de la Cruz is preparing for an influx of both religious and non-religious visitors as it encourages pilgrims and walkers to take to the network of ‘Caminos de la Cruz’.

One such route is the newly inaugurated Camino de Levante which stretches 116 kms from Orihuela to Caravaca.

This coming Sunday 26 February the Orihuela Town Hall are sponsoring a walk that will cover the first stage of the route along the Levante Way of the Pilgrim’s road. It will take in a distance of 24 km from Orihuela to Murcia

The walk will get underway at 8 am starting at the Cathedral (Orihuela), where the pilgrim’s badges/credentials will be issued to all walkers for a nominal donation of just 2 euros which will include a free T-shirt.

At approximately 11 am there will be free food at the half way stage (Casillas) with the walkers expecting to arrive in Murcia City at approximately 3pm.

Walkers will be encouraged to take the train back from Murcia to Orihuela at the end of the walk.

The Train timetable from Murcia (Murcia del Carmen railway station) to Orihuela:

  • 4 pm – 5.55 pm – 6.45 pm – 7.30 pm – 7.55 pm – 9.10 pm – 10.10 pm.

This event is being organised by the Protocol department of the Town Hall. To confirm your place on the walk please call or email: Protocolo 659.39.19.58 or