Las Ramblas Golf Society

Las Ramblas Golf Society
Las Ramblas Golf Society

  • Results for w/c 8.4.19

95 points was the winning score for John and Ellen Drakesmith, Geoff Biggerstaff and Hendrick Oldenziel in Monday’s ‘Waltzer 1-2-3’. Whilst just short of the record (which stands at 98 points), Ellen in particular had a tremendous game managing to contribute 16 of those points over just four holes. Geoff also had a ‘4 pointer’ when he parred the most difficult hole on the course (the 17th). Well done to you all!

Wednesday was round four (of six) of our Club Championship ‘Eclectic Joker Stableford’. Mike Frankish made a long awaited return to the leader board, winning with 42 points. The bridesmaid again however, was Joyce McClusky with 39, just beating Benedicte Kruse on countback. Four ‘2’s today, Nora Betts, Heinz Lei, Lindsay Forbes and Alan Douglas.

After a very enjoyable lunch at El Prado in San Miguel on Thursday (where I failed miserably to read out the raffle numbers in Spanish) we moved onto Friday’s ‘change partners’. With 82 points our winners were Olga Douglas, Nora Betts (yes I know!), Nigel Price and Bryan Neal. Runners up with 76 points were Terry Field, Trevor Pulleyblank and Ken & Liz Robertson.

Por ultimo, this week’s quote is attributed to A.A Milne who once said ‘Golf is so popular simply because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad’.

Pues, hasta la semana que viene,

Peter Reffell