The Celts Club de Golf. November Open Day

The Celts Club de Golf. November Open Day
The Celts Club de Golf. November Open Day

We played our November Open Day at La Serena last Saturday.  Weather conditions were ideal for golf a mild 20 plus degrees with little or no wind, lending itself to good scoring.

The golf course was as is the custom presented to a very high standard and again we must thank Wayne and his team for their efforts.  To the staff in the pro-shop thank you, Jean, Jose and Paul for preparing the cards, the results and also the room for our presentation of prizes.  Our competition committee are doing sterling work thank you Camillus ably assisted by our vice/captain Terry. 

Can I again remind players to please return your cards as soon as possible to the shop on the open days so that they can generate the results on the computer and return the scores to Madrid.  If you fail to return your card you cannot have your handicap adjusted and it also delays the presentation of prizes.  We would like to thank all those who were present to collect their prizes. 

Can I remind prize winners that we hold our monthly presentation of all prizes for the previous month at each of the Open Days, if you are not able to attend can you appoint a member to collect your prize on your behalf. 

Our captain Alisdiar McLean was on hand to present the prizes as follows; Crystal week 1, 1st  Ian Howie 45. 2nd Eddie Wall 44. 3rd Kjell Mundheim 39.  Week 2, 1st Geoff Ellender 43. 2nd Karen Neal, 3rd Steve Hopkins. 

Category golf competitions, week 1. Cat. I. 1st John Aitchison 42. 2nd Gordon McCaddem 42. 3rd Larry Brennan 40.  Cat II. 1st Ian Howie 42. 2nd Kevin McBride 39. 3rd Hep Kinnear 38.  Week 2. Cat 1. Richard Heaton 41. 2nd Terry Lewis 40. 3rd Terry Fitzgerald 39.  Cat II. John Walsh 40. Sally Hopkins 38.  3rd  David Lock 36.   Medal. Cat I. John O’Brien 74.  Cat II Larry Brennan 66. Cat III. Patrick Baker 73.  Memoriaql Day.  Ntps. 

Special prize sponsored by Meta Vale, Alisdair Mclean, Holly Thompson, Mick Byrne, Camillus Fitzpatrick, Eddie Wall, Ian Howie, John Aitchison, Alan Woods. 1st Terry Fitzgerald and Tony Edwards 67.1. 2nd George Thomas and John O’Brien 67.2. 3rd Steve Hopkins and Geoff Ellender 68.1 and 4th Denis McCormack and Alisdair McLean 69.4.  Down to the results of the day.  NTP’s Andy Currie, Camillus Fitzpatrick, Alan Proudfoot John Aitchison and Steve Hopkins..  Visitors prize Pat McLoughlin 37.  Cat III. 1st Julian Lopez 33. 2nd Sally Hopkins 32. 3rd William Stewart 30.  Cat II. 1st Alan Proudfoot 39. 2nd John Aitchison 36. 3rd Alan Perry 36. Cat I.  Steve Hopkins 38. 2nd Kenny McGeehan 38. 3rd John O’Brien 37.  Best gross went to Camillus Fitzpatrick with a 77.  2nd overall mister consistent Denis McCormack 39. 

The overall winner with the fantastic result of 45 points Ian McMillan.  Ian also had a 2.4 cut to his handicap. 

We play the last round of The International League at Font de Llop on the 2nd of December.  If you would like to enter this league which is kindly sponsored by the Valencian golf federation just send an e-mail to the address below?  Congratulations again to all those who participated in all our tournaments and well done to all the prize winners. 

Can I remind members that our Christmas Hamper and general meeting take place on the 9th of December at La Serena.  Entry fee is 10 euro and this includes your dinner that evening.

We have a waiting list in operation at the moment for membership at La Serena, however membership of The Celts is always available. 

If you would like information on joining our club or entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to or call 615 466 398?