Tag: politics

Eleven Women and One Astronaut

No, it is not the latest hot, porn movie or a march for equality, but the rather impressive line-up of cabinet members announced by...

Ciudadanos threaten to pull out of coalition in protest of mayor’s “sickie”

The Ministry of Health has opened an investigation to ascertain whether the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana (PP), a doctor by profession, did not...

Consell report opens door to build on Cala Mosca

Within a month we should know the fate of the last kilometre of unconstructed land on the Orihuela in Cala Mosca after the Consell...

Spain Expat calls for representation in UK Parliament

It’s by no means the first time that such an appeal has been made but Alastair Stewart, an Expat teacher who currently resides for...

Rajoy goes on the offensive in Alicante

Despite the problems faced by Spain’s ruling conservatives in Madrid following the resignation of the regional premier Cristina Cifuentes over a scandal involving a...


Chocolate is Good for You! (terms and conditions apply)

There are some people who accuse scientists of wasting...

Orihuela and Guardamar Athletes to Feature in Olympics

The final selection in some categories is still to...

Torrevieja CV-905 Roundabout Land Expropriation Approved

The covered road signs have been in place for...

Spain to Investigate Change in Law to Control Tourist Apartments in Residential Areas

Following news that Barcelona is to ban tourist apartments...