The Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja has been accredited with the golden seal of the Joint Commission International, the highest distinction granted by this body, after an exhaustive audit in which more than 1,200 quality standards have been analysed, which the hospital rigorously complies with. This accreditation of the Joint Commission International is the most demanding worldwide …
Discovered in 1972, Thymosin alpha is a portion of the thymosin peptide found naturally in the body. Clinical studies were conducted on CF, TB, CMV, respiratory...
Dr. Moreno-Bravo UMH-CSIC Neurosciences Institute in Alicante obtains €1.5m grant for Cerebellar control of Cortical Development (CERCODE)
By Andrew Atkinson
Doctor Juan Antonio Moreno-Bravo, from...
In last year’s campaign more than 30,000 people were vaccinated against flu in Torrevieja
The Torrevieja Department of Health started it’s flu vaccination campaign...
Officers from the Guardia Civil working at Alicante-Elche Airport have arrested two people on the suspicion of offences against public health, after intercepting a massive amount of drugs. The officers became aware of a shipment in January which was sent from Ireland to Torrevieja, via the airport. This shipment contained 5,640 zopiclone tablets; a medicine …