The New Year saw a new era in motoring in cities such as Barcelona, where the need to control pollution is now far exceeding the need of the motorist. Although it has been in existence for a couple of years now, and is still not mandatory, the need for obtaining an environmental badge, or “eco …
Prior to the final approval of the law which will ensure safer movements of personal mobility vehicles (Vehículos de Movilidad Personal or VMP), the director general of traffic has issued new guidelines for how these new modes of transport should be incorporated into daily life. The objective is to establish clarifying criteria for users, city …
Prior to the final approval of the law which will ensure safer movements of personal mobility vehicles (Vehículos de Movilidad Personal or VMP), the director general of traffic has issued new guidelines for how these new modes of transport should be incorporated into daily life. The objective is to establish clarifying criteria for users, city …
Maintaining a safe distance is one of the fundamental factors of road safety, however it is not always easy to calculate how much space we need to leave between us and the vehicle in front, although there is a simple solution to a mathematical problem. We will start with the science bit. There are the …