If you ride a motorbike, so long as you are old enough, have a full licence and the vehicle is correctly fitted with the appropriate equipment, you are permitted to carry a passenger. You are also permitted to carry children as passengers, but there are some restrictions to ensure their safety. Firstly, you, the rider, …
If you ride a motorbike, so long as you are old enough, have a full licence and the vehicle is correctly fitted with the appropriate equipment, you are permitted to carry a passenger. You are also permitted to carry children as passengers, but there are some restrictions to ensure their safety. Firstly, you, the rider, …
According to data from across Europe, two out of every three children in cars are not secured properly, although not only those not wearing any seat belt or restraining system, many of them have been strapped in incorrectly or inadequately. If a child is properly restrained in a vehicle, the statistics speak for themselves, as …
Registration is now open for Torrevieja´s summer school with 300 places available in July and 163 in August, but if you want to sign your kids up you´d better hurry as the registration period closes next week. The councillor for Social Welfare, Fabiana Ibarra, announced the opening of the registration period for Summer School 2019, …