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Bernie Comaskey


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You Can’t Be Serious ‘Let them at it’, says God

‘Who made the world?’ ‘God made the world.’ That was the first question and answer in the school catechism, back in old God’s time. It...

You Can’t Be Serious – Living through old age is a bonus blessing …

I spent a couple of days in hospital last week, something, thank God, that I have experienced less than half a dozen times in...

You Can’t Be Serious – Better still to be born lucky AND rich!

I met a lady recently who told me she had just won a car in a draw. After congratulating her, I enquired if she...

You Can’t Be Serious – The passengers on the team

There are workers in our society who are not being paid well enough for what they do. I never met one person who would...

You Can’t Be Serious – The Christmas ‘Gamble’…

Sullivan’s was what was known as a ‘ceilì’ing house’ back in the day. There was one in just about every rural community, where neighbours...