The price of defending the Cross of Callosa de Segura

The price of defending the Cross of Callosa de Segura

The controversy over the removal of the Cross of the Fallen is still causing fierce controversy in Callosa de Segura with those who defended its retention outside the church of San Martín determined to keep the matter in the public domain.

Unfortunately, however, the two methods they have been using have both resulted in sanctions from the local authority.

Last week the town council imposed a fine of 750 euros to Tere Agulló, the resident who for some days, from her apartment balcony, projected the hologram of a cross on the facade of the church of San Martín. Although initiated by the town council, the fine was issued by the Tax Agency, and it is not the only one.

The president of the Civic Platform in Defence of the Cross, Antonio Illán, has also received a fine, this time of 150 euros “for placing a cross of flowers in the Plaza de Espana, next to the church,  to celebrate the festival of the May crosses.”

The details of the fines were released by the Platform last week, which, according to Antonio Illán, show the extent of the harassment they continue to receive from the coalition ouncil led by the PSOE mayor Fran Maciá. However, they also announced that they will not sit idle and will appeal the two fines which they say are grossly unfair.

They also add that it is unlikely that the controversy over the whole issue will end there since the they understand that there will be new fines coming soon.

Notice of another fine has been sent to a resident who also projected a hologram of a cross onto the front of the church five months ago, for a period of just 5 days. However, they say that the truth is that the symbol has been projected on the church for many more days.

“The first denuncia was for breaking the ordinance related to audiovisual projection, but the council quickly realised that this is only applied to bars and restaurants so they changed the accusation to one of advertising something that is consider not to be appropriate, which prohibits the placement of spotlights and sound and image reproduction on public roads. That’s why we will appeal,” added the president of the Platform.

The collective also defended their actions in placing a cross of flowers in the Plaza de Espana “when the authorisation to do so had previously been processed by the Sub-delegation of council.”

But Antonio Illán remained steadfast saying on Friday that they will continue with their campaign to collect financial donations “to face these fines and all those that may be served on us in the future, since we know that they will continue with their system of harassment to the group”.

He also made it clear that the struggle will not end, and that the hologram will be projected again, when the festival is celebrated in honour of San Roque.