Local Freemasons from Santa Faz Lodge walk for charity.

Local Freemasons from Santa Faz Lodge walk for charity.

On Saturday, March 10th, Freemasons of local Lodge, Santa Faz, held their annual beach walk, organized by WM Mick Rayner and his lovely Lady, Maureen, to raise much needed funds for the Children’s Home at Rellue. This is the chosen charity, for this year, by the Master of the Lodge and will be supported throughout the year.

 More than seventy Freemasons and guests took part, and were very lucky in that the weather stayed exceptionally fine for them. The walk was followed by an excellent barbeque and the extremely good entertainment was provided by our very own WM Mick Rayner.As well as providing an extremely pleasant day for the Freemasons and their guests an extremely useful sum totalling one thousand euros was raised for the Children’s Home.

This will be presented at a later date. Well done to all of those who helped to organise this very successful day and especially to all those who turned up and walked for charity.

 If you are interested in the work of local Freemasons or you would like information on how to become a Mason, please contact me on the email address given below.
