Non-Payment of Costa Street Cleaning Depot to be met by Urban Waste


The Department of Urban Waste and Street Cleaning of Orihuela has announced that it will assume, with its own funds, the debt of 371,000 euros that is owed to Binaria Compañía General de Construcciones, the company awarded the construction work of the new centre during the previous mandate managed by the PSOE and Cs.

There are four accounts that are owed to the company, which began the work at the beginning of this year. So far the constructor has assumed the costs of the works without receiving payment for the certifications, specifically 370,767 unpaid euros, which caused them to complain, but which, despite the debt, it has continued with the works.

In addition, in Thursday’s Plenary Meeting, the government approved a modification of credits for some 440,000 euros, for the payment of the remaining certifications between now and the completion of the work, which is estimated in January.

The building was necessary to house the cleaning and garbage workers of Orihuela Costa given the poor conditions in which they previously operated, as well as satisfying the demand of local residents of Sector PAU 26, who allege annoying noises and insecurity due to the continuous movement of trucks in the area where they have been since the service was municipalised in May 2012.

The new work centre is being constructed on a plot of 14,170 square meters, located in PAU 26, sector 2, between Calle Miño and Ebro, on municipally owned land intended for equipment and adjacent to the current facilities.

In the administrative building, of 300 square metres, there will be the Street Cleaning and MSW offices and changing rooms, toilets, a meeting room, and a rest area for employees.