Torrevieja Ignored in 10-million-euro Radiology Equipment Upgrade


The Valencia regional Ministry of Health has published the tender, for more than 10 million euro with two specifications for the supply, installation, and commissioning of a total of 45 digital radiology equipment for various health centres in the Valencian Community, from which Orihuela will benefit, but Torrevieja has been ignored.

The contracts seek to renew the radio diagnostic equipment in accordance with the criteria established by the Spanish Society of Radiology, that is, based on the years of life expectancy and the activity of the equipment.

Specifically, there are 29 column-to-floor digital radiology machines, and another 16 for column-to-ceiling. In both cases, they are devices with double detector and X-ray tube.

The 29 equipment for the digital radiology rooms with floor-fixing support are for the departments of Vinaròs; Castellón Hospital General; València-La Fe; València-Clínico-Malvarrosa; València-Doctor Peset; València-Arnau de Vilanova-Llíria; Sagunto; La Ribera; Xàtiva-Ontinyent; Alcoy; Elda; Marina Baixa; Sant Joan d’Alacant; Alicante Hospital Doctor Balmis; Elche, and Orihuela.

The total amount of this first supply amounts to 5,795,698.33 euro, co-financed with European Feder funds, within the framework of the Feder Valencian Community Operational Program and financed as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For its part, the 16 pieces of equipment for the digital radiology rooms in column to ceiling are destined for the health department of the Hospital General de Castellón; València-Doctor Peset; València-Clínico Malvarrosa; Gandia; Xàtiva-Ontinyent; Elda; Marina Baixa-Vila; Alicante-Hospital Doctor Balmis, and Elche.

The amount of all this second supply amounts to 4,430,213.33 euro, also co-financed with European funds.