This is a super story of Mufi, the 12 year old constant companion of Esperanza, a lovely Spanish lady of 82 years young.
He was a window cat who never went out – just loved to sit and watch. He disappeared from home on 22nd December with the whole family and friends desperately trying to find him.
He was handed into Torrevieja Municipal Albergue on 8th February where, luckily for Mufi, a few keen eyed volunteers who had been following Mufi´s story on FB recognised him.
The family came to the Shelter and found, yes, this was their Mufi. He is now home with his happy mum who said ¨Mufi is a miracle. I thought he was dead after being lost so long¨.
Happy ending. For any further information about the Shelter call 670 027 853 or FB Concejalía De Protección Animal De Torrevieja