Garden Felix – Tobacco plant blows it’s own trumpet!

Garden Felix - Tobacco plant blows it's own trumpet!
Tobacco plant blows it's own trumpet!

Tobacco plant – Nicotiana – is a popular summer bedding plant, that comes in a range of colours and sizes.

The trumpet-like flowers are night-scented, which makes the tobacco plant a great choice for planting around or near to a seating area.

Many varieties make excellent cut flowers and some varieties also attract moths into the garden.

The tobacco plant is great for growing in a border or container display, and are easily grown from seed.

Grow tobacco plant in moist, well-drained soil, in full sun to partial shade.

Some varieties, such as the Nicotiana alata, do best in full sun, and taller varieties may bend towards the light if not in direct sun.

Tobacco plant seeds can to be sown in early spring, under cover and then plant out into the garden after the risk of frost has passed.  Ensure young plants are fully hardened off first.

Deadhead spent blooms regularly to prolong the flowering season.

Tobacco plants can be overwintered outdoors in sheltered gardens.

Cut them back in the autumn and mulch around the base of the plant to give them the best chances of re-growing in the following spring.

To propegate, let the seedheads develop and once the seeds are ripe, cut the heads off directly into a paper bag to collect the seeds. Sow the seed in spring.