Mare Nostrum Handball falls to another defeat

Mare Nostrum Handball falls to another defeat
Mare Nostrum Handball falls to another defeat

The Salineros lost by 33-24 and fell to the penultimate place in the division with a total of just 2 points from their six games.

They were defeated by Balonmano Petrer in the sixth round of the Spanish handball bronze league by 33 – 24, a result that did not reflect their good work until they were plagued by defensive errors in final quarter of the second half.

Mare Nostrum stayed in touch throughout the first half, going into the interval with a disadvantage of three goals (15 – 12).

After the break, Antonio Cameron’s team narrowed the gap again, but exclusions hampered their performance.

It was after the home team’s time-out when the score was 24 – 21 that Mare Nostrum began to give up and accumulate numerous errors that saw Petrer pull away to make the final result 33 – 24. Next week they will host second placed Balonmano Bolaños at the Palacio de Deportes “