Orihuela sports staff begin protests over non-payment of salaries

Orihuela sports staff not paid
Orihuela sports staff not paid

Staff from Clequali, the company that provides services to the Sports Department of the Orihuela Council, continues to denounce their alarming situation of non-payments. For more than two months, employees have not received their salaries, which has generated a climate of indignation and concern.

In a protest, the workers hung a sign in front of the municipal sports facilities that read: “We want solutions now, we still haven’t been paid. Enough of the lies!” This message reflects the desperation of those affected, who see their labour rights ignored while the silence of the Orihuela council continues.

Those affected complain that, despite the seriousness of the situation, Orihuela City Council has not offered any clear response or taken any measures to resolve the problem. A lack of action that is being harshly criticised by employees, who demand justice and transparency in the management of resources and labour rights.

Users of sports facilities have shown their support for the workers, who claim that this situation affects not only their well-being, but also the quality of the sports services that depend on their daily work.