Opening license sought for Chinese bazaar in centre of Torrevieja


Mercadona now has a tenant for its old store on Calle Antonio Machado. After the building was rented for over a year, the supermarket chain now has an interested party to take over its old facilities, which have remained closed since it moved to a more modern centre just a few metres east on the same street.

According to company spokespeople, it will open a Chinese bazaar. The details have also been confirmed by the Councillor for Activities, Federico Alarcón, who reports that they have received the corresponding licence application.

The former Mercadona building is one of the largest stores available in the city centre, next to Colonia San Esteban. A busy area due to the proximity of services such as the courts, the Civil Guard barracks and the bus station.

According to the Land Registry, the building was built in 1988 and is classified as an urban commercial building, so the activity of a bazaar is compatible. The building has 10,747 square metres and three floors. Most of the interior is used as a car park, while the commercial surface area has almost 3,000 square metres.