National Taekwondo Championships in Torrevieja


More than 900 taekwondists from the 17 autonomous communities will dispute the National championships in the Torrevieja Sport’s Palace this weekend.

The Councillor for Sports, Diana Box, announce the event along with the president of the Spanish Taekwondo Federation, Jesus Castellanos, the president of the Taekwondo Club Torrevieja, Domingo Carrillo, and the head of Sports Tourism, Javier Lopez.

The event will take place starting at 9am on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 September, with the participation of more than 900 athletes from all regions of Spain, 65 referees, more than 100 coaches, with a total of more than 3,000 people coming to Torrevieja to enjoy the best taekwondo, including the athletes and their families.

The national championships are qualifiers for the next European Championship to be held in Estonia.

The president of the Spanish Federation, Jesus Castellanos, thanked the City of Torrevieja and, in particular, the Department of Sports, for providing the facilities to hold these important championships in Spain.