Torrevieja Obtains Tourism Agreement Extension


The Regional Government has authorised the extension of the agreement between Turisme Comunitat Valenciana and the Torrevieja Council for the development of the Tourist Info Network programme through the maintenance and updating of the municipality’s tourist information offices in this network.

This extends for four years the agreement signed with the Torrevieja Council for the development of the Tourist Info programme in the tourist information offices of the municipality called Tourist Info Torrevieja, Tourist Info Torrevieja-La Mata and Tourist Info Torrevieja-Paseo Marítimo.

Specifically, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana makes available to the Tourist Info offices in Torrevieja the databases and public tourist information it has, enables their coordinated action with the rest of the offices in the Tourist Info Network, supports and intensifies quality management and provides the tools and procedures for the continuous improvement of the office.

Furthermore, Torrevieja Council undertakes to financially and materially support its Tourist Info offices and to cover all current expenses and personnel required for their operation.

It must also provide tourist information staff with a professional profile suitable for providing the tourist information service; maintain the image of the tourist offices in accordance with the rest of the Tourist Info Network and participate in the quality objectives of the Tourist Info Network and in its systems for collecting and exchanging statistical information, studies or evaluation of the service, among other tasks.