The brother of the 49-year-old woman, who was arrested on Friday for allegedly killing her husband in a secluded house in Orihuela Costa, has stated this Saturday that she lived in constant terror of him and that he had threatened to kill her two other children that she has from a previous relationship, and who both live in Norway. According to the brother, she never reported him for fear of reprisals.

The woman’s brother made the statement to the press outside the Orihuela courts, where she was appearing on Saturday. In a mix of English and Spanish, the man called his deceased brother-in-law a “psychopath” and a sexist , and said that his sister lived “as if she were in prison”, locked in the house where the events took place on Friday. It is a house, he added, located in a secluded area “where nobody passes by and there are no near neighbours”.

The man, who flew from Norway immediately after learning of the incident, claims that in the early hours of Friday morning her brother-in-law was out of his mind and attacked her, injuring her arm, as well as telling her again that he was going to kill her two older children. According to her, this was the fourth time he attacked her, but she never told the authorities what was happening out of fear. And, once again, she reiterated that she acted in self-defence.

The woman said that she had stabbed her husband at least three times, after he attacked her and chased her around the house. This is said to have happened in the presence of the couple’s three children, aged ten, eight and six. The woman was to undergo surgery on her arm on Friday, where he had apparently caused an injury.