The absence of beach bars, sunbed and parasol rental services on the beaches of Punta Prima, Cala Mosca and Cala Estaca has generated considerable discontent among residents and tourists who frequent these coastal areas, according to a complaint made by the PSOE in Orihuela on Thursday morning.

The situation is due to the fact that Lot 1 of a contract comprising five lots has not yet been awarded, this being the only one still pending allocation.

The socialist councillor María García has expressed her concern and continues to question political leaders about their lack of explanations. “It is not surprising that the residents have lost confidence in the mayor and the councillor for the Coast because, despite their promises, they are not capable of showing their faces and explaining the reasons for what has gone so badly wrong” said García.

The contract for the operation of the beach season services began its tender documentation in November 2023 and consisted of 5 lots, of which, so far, Lots 2 to 5 have been awarded, however, Lot 1, which covers the aforementioned beaches, is still outstanding, because the winning company failed to submit the correct documentation.

Despite the fact that there were four companies interested in managing these services, the situation has not yet been resolved.

“We are concerned that the company that wins the contract will now wait for the new season in April” added the socialist councillor.

“This situation has generated an unequal experience for visitors on the different beaches in Orihuela Costa who do not understand and feel frustrated because they see how full services are being provided elsewhere while they are still waiting,” commented García. In addition, she demanded that the Councillor for Coasts, Manuel Mestre, comes forward and clearly explains what is happening with this lot, underlining the perception of abandonment and lack of transparency toward residents and tourists.