On Thursday morning the Municipal Plenary of the Benejúzar Town Council gave the green light, with 10 votes in favour and 1 against, to the General Budget Project of the town for the financial year 2024.

The sum amounts to 4,956,324 euros, and as stated by the mayor and head of the Treasury, Vicente Cases, “it is a budget governed by the control of public spending, responsible and balanced, but at the same time realistic and ambitious, adapted to the needs and interests of our residents”.

The councillor pointed out that this term, the government team has given special priority to investments related to essential services in the municipality, focusing on policies aimed at economic promotion, training for the unemployed, environmental protection, improving health, maintenance of cultural and sports facilities, and activities focused on social action, animal welfare, culture, sport and town planning. “We have also considered it very important to allocate adequate funding for social aid (PEIS), together with funding for transport to IES Benejúzar and aid for university transport,” he said.