Torrevieja Hospital Road Widening to be Tendered

A PS_R-1215 PT-8 PM-6 BC-4 LN-2 CN-5 SH-1100 GN-0 SA-1150 GM-100 CT-350 3.8.16 2.3.0_20181008-1123 FINGERPRINT: bq/bardock-pro/bardock-pro:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/1082:user/release-keys HARDWARE: qcom HOST: bqbot3 ID: OPM1.171019.026 IS_CONTAINER: false IS_DEBUGGABLE: false IS_EMULATOR: false IS_ENG: false IS_TREBLE_ENABLED: false IS_USER: true IS_USERDEBUG: false MANUFACTURER: bq MODEL: Aquaris X Pro PERMISSIONS_REVIEW_REQUIRED: false PRODUCT: bardock-pro TAGS: release-keys TIME: 1538991025000 TYPE: user UNKNOWN: unknown USER: jenkins

After Torrevieja town hall failed to ensure that the builder who constructed Torrevieja Hospital widened the CV-95 road which was part of the original contract demand, this bottleneck has contributed to the traffic mayhem linking to the N-332 for years, but may now soon become a reality.

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, announced that the work will be put to tender whilst he was in Torrevieja presenting the Plan Vive social housing strategy.

According to the head of the Consell, the project will cost €167,585 and will consist of widening the section of the CV-95 as it passes by the Torrevieja hospital. The bill should have originally been paid by the hospital builder, rather than public funds.

He explained the aim is to achieve a double positive effect: on the one hand, to relieve congestion at the main access to the salt city and, on the other hand, to provide a preferential route for patients and other users of the Torrevieja hospital, who often suffer from traffic jams and other incidents on their way to the medical centre.

Carlos Mazón has announced that studies on the project will soon begin to determine the appropriate way to develop it.

The head of the regional executive has stressed, this fact demonstrates, once again, the commitment of the current regional government team to improve the infrastructure of the Vega Baja after years, in his opinion, of neglect by the previous Consell del Botànic. Conveniently forgetting to mention that it was the local members of his own party who, just like for the widening of the N-332, failed to ensure the work was carried out in the first place.