CLARO has accused the Orihuela mayor, Pepe Vegara, of failing to honour the promises that he made to the party in the run up to the 2023 Municipal Elections as a result of which it’s President Antonio Cerdan has resigned as both the Pedáneo (Council appointed local representative) of Playa Flamenca and as the Coordinator of the Pedáneos on the Coast.

He claims that his position has been continually criticised and undermined by Raul Fernández,   the PP asesor on the coast, and despite a meeting between Cerdan and the mayor in early June, at which Vegara was appraised of the difficulties being experienced by pedáneos on the coast, whilst urging him to respect the agreement entered into at the beginning of his term of office, there has still been no response or any positive action.

The full CLARO Press release and the letter of resignation submitted to the mayor by Antonio Cerdan follow:



In the light of recent developments in the team of Pedáneos (local representatives of the mayor), C.L.A.R.O President Antonio Cerdan presented his resignation on Monday as Coordinator of Pedáneos of the coast as well as his responsibilities as Pedáneo of Playa Flamenca.

At the same time, as a positive gesture and in order not to cause further divisions in the team, the Pedáneos proposed by C.L.A.R.O and appointed by the Mayor have placed their positions at the disposal of the Mayor in the hope that this will bring about important changes in the functioning of the team of Pedáneos in the coast and a greater appreciation of their work.

The following are personal reflections of the President of C.L.A.R.O intended to be read in conjunction with the full text of his letter of resignation which is attached to this press release.

Pedaneos at a recent meeting with the Councillor for the Coast, Manuel Mestre

The rupture occurred for two reasons:

First the failure of the mayor to respect the pre-electoral pact which he entered into in March 2023 in return for C.L.A.R.O’ support in the municipal elections. In this agreement, Sr. Vegara, undertook, in the event of leading the government after the elections, that he would offer the posts of two paid Asesores (Assistants) to C.L.A.R.O. In the municipal elections the candidate of the PP for the post of Councillor for the Coast was not elected and the coalition partner of the PP, Vox, claimed the post of Councillor for the Coast. C.L.A.R.O accepted that in these circumstances it was no longer possible to grant two posts of Asesor to C.L.A.R.O. and to overcome the problem Sr. Vegara formally agreed that when naming Pedáneos for the coast the position of Coordinator (unpaid), with responsibilities, would go to the President of C.L.A.R.O.

The second cause of the rupture was the conduct of the PP Asesor from Campoamor who questioned the need for a Coordinator and obstructed and undermined my work during several months.

This accumulation of causes, unthinkable in the case of Pedáneos elsewhere in the municipality, led to a climate of mistrust in the team on the coast. We needed to live with the situation in order not to cause problems distracting from the serious deficiencies on the coast which needed solutions.

Finally, at the beginning of June I met with the mayor to acquaint him with the situation which the Pedáneos of the coast were experiencing, providing him with suggestions which could resolve the unfortunate situation, some of which he seemed to approve, and urging him to respect the agreement we entered into a year ago. “Pacts are to be respected” to quote Sr. Vegara in another context.

We awaited his reply. Incredibly, after a month and a half, there has still not ben a word!

The above events cause us to doubt the sincerity of the promises the mayor made to the coast.   Until now we thought that the mayor headed a ‘new’ Popular Party in which the residents of the coast could trust, but in the light of our experience, especially the mayor’s failure to respect our formal agreement, as well as his complicity in the divisions created within the team of Pedáneos of the coast, and the obstruction of their work, we have decided to withdraw our support for his governing party.  

C.L.A.R.O regrets once again having been deceived by a political partner in Orihuela, BUT, WE HAVE RECOVERED OUR INDEPENDENCE AND OUR FREEDOM OF POLITCAL ACTION.



Estimado Alcalde,

In the light of recent events, and with regret, I resign as Coordinator of Pedaneos of Orihuela Costa and as Pedaneo of Playa Flamenca (pedaneo is a local representative of the Mayor).   At the same time, the independent pedaneos proposed by C.L.A.R.O. and appointed by you, place their appointment at your disposal hoping that important changes can be made in the functioning of the team of pedaneos of the coast and a better recognition be given to the value of their work.

As regards the post of Coordinator of Pedaneos of Oriheula Costa (unpaid) I would remind you that this position was agreed by you and accepted by me as President of C.L.A.R.O. as an alternative to the position of two asesores (paid assistants) agreed in the document signed by our two selves prior to the municipal elections of May, 2023 in return for the commitment of my party to support the Popular Party in these elections.     We accepted that this commitment could not be carried out since the Popular Party did not obtain a majority in the elections and subsequently entered into a coalition agreement with Vox and the appointment of  Manual Mestre as Councillor for the Coast.

“Pacts are to be respected” as you yourself said in another context.    It is regretable that, after more than a year, your commitment to appoint me as Coordinator of Pedaneos of Orihuela Costa with the responsibilities we agreed, has still not been formalised or recognised publicly by members of your government and is questioned by your Asesor, number 11 in the Popular Party list of candidates and pedaneo in Orihuela Costa.     This person, assuming responsibilities which he does not possess and acting as if he were Coordinator of the Pedaneos of the Coast, has on two recent occasions called for a meeting of pedaneos, in which he has a majority, to discuss the question of the validity of this position (which is exclusively your responsibility) or its continuation on a rotating basis.   I can only think that his attitude and actions were known to you.

But it my resignation is not for reasons concerning my personal position.    Among the pedaneos of Orihuela Costa proposed by C.L.A.R.O. who are working with dedication to represent you and to bring about the needed improvements in the coast, we find that our work is being constantly frustrated by your Asesor who raises objections to well-intentioned proposals without constructive alternatives.   He keeps information about your government’s activities concerning the coast to himself and does not include relevant pedaneos in working visits by your councillors to the coast.   He decides which pedaneos can attend which events such as St. Patrick’s Day and most recently the decision not to invite a single pedaneo to the presentation of the announced increase in local police numbers during the summer months.   Much more serious was the last minute refusal to respect the agreement on which candidates to support in the election of District Committees (Juntas de Distrito) and instead promoting the vote of others which benefitted candidates of PIOC and Ciudadanos.  

Antonio Cerdan with his letter of resignation

These events and actions have created dissatisfaction and division in the group of pedaneos in the coast.   Their work is being hampered by what I can only consider are officially authorised actions of your Asesor.

The failure to formally recognise my position as Coordinator of Pedaneos and the negative and obstructive attitude of your Asesor in the group of pedaneos causes me and my colleagues to begin to doubt the sincerity of your commitments to the coast.   Until now we have believed that you headed a new Popular Party, one we could trust.   A lot needs to be done to implement your electoral programme for the coast.   It is counter-productive to obstruct the work of dedicated residents voluntarily engaged in changing and improving the situation of the coast.   

We continue to wish you well in your proclaimed intentions for the coast but, after more than a year of failure to respect mutual accorded agreements, we withdraw our support for your government.

Antonio Cerdan,

President of C.L.A.R.O.