Swarms of the harmless ‘Fried Egg’ jellyfish, Cotylorhiza tuberculate, are beginning to accumulate on the coastline of Torrevieja.

This is the popular name for the jellyfish because of it’s similarities to the breakfast favourite.

 – this yes, a name that imposes much more – and that corresponds to how striking it is: the tuberculata is because it is surrounded by a ring of small purple tentacles arranged in the form of a circle.

One of the most common of jellyfish, while it can reach sizes of up to 25 centimetres in diameter it is practically harmless, although a bite can cause hives or burning of the skin among children.

Depending on the weather conditions you will begin to see large swarms of them gathering on local beaches up and down the coastline as they come close to the shoreline to reproduce.

For the moment, they have appeared in large swarms, in the inland waters of the port of Torrevieja and on Acequión beach. They can also be found on the beach of Los Náufragos where they are much more dispersed

Proyecto Mastral said that it is very important to respect these organisms and avoid taking them out of the sea, throwing them or burying them for fun or because of the “discomfort” they can cause to bathers, so do ensure that you give them a wide berth.