Speedy scooter seized in Torrevieja


The Torrevieja Local Police have caught the rider of an electric scooter that was capable of reaching 81 kilometres per hour. The maximum speed allowed for this type of device by law is 25 kilometres per hour. The vehicle was immobilised and taken to the Municipal Depot due to its danger, according to the Local Police.

The police stopped the scooter during a random check that they have been carrying out in the city for the last two months during which they have sanctioned 94 drivers of similar mobility vehicles. Of those violations, 33 have been to drivers below the minimum age required to drive an electric scooter, which the DGT sets at 16 years.

In Torrevieja it is common for many young people to choose to travel by scooter to schools and institutes because it is an economical option with most of the educational centres located on the outskirts. The Council is already undertaking talks in schools given by the Local Police to inform teenagers about the regulations and the correct use of scooters.

The second most common infraction was parking on pavements and other prohibited areas for which the Local Police has issued 30 penalties.

Most of these are related to scooter rental companies. Pursuing them is often complicated for police officers as they operate from other municipalities. The only thing that can be done is to fine and seize those scooters that are improperly parked.