Torrevieja Government Accused of Dragging Feet in Contract Execution


Earlier this week, the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolon, took to social media to praise his successes in the first year of this current administrative period, and although he acknowledged there is still much work to be done, according to the Sueña Torrevieja group, the PP government has only awarded 25% of the investments that the mayor is attributed to in the first year of his mandate.

In the Contracting Platform it is observed that in the first year of mandate the government team has only awarded 13 investments with a total amount of 11.32 million euro, 25% of the investments attributed to the mayor.

Pablo Samper assures that “the mayor has summarised the investments in execution and/or completed in more than 45 million euro, with an execution percentage as of June 17, 2024, of 45%, that is, more than 20.2 million euro, without providing any justification”.

If we add the three works awarded in the month of May 2023, which belong to the previous mandate, we reach 21.2 million euro, 47% of the investments attributed to the mayor.

A detailed list was provided by Sueña Torrevieja, which can be checked on the platform anyway, and according to the settlement of the 2023 budget, they say, in the whole of 2023, with an investment budget of almost 53 million euro, only 11.2 million have been executed, just over 21%, leaving almost 42 million euro unexecuted.   

Samper concludes by stating that “the lack of execution of the PP government in investments is tremendous, since, according to the Torrevieja City Council Contracting Plan approved in February 2023 for an amount of almost 88.5 million euro, considering only the eight largest contracts planned, not even the contracting files of more than 61 million euro have been approved, which account for almost 70%”.