Politics is in turmoil. Any UK ex-pat knows this as they watch the antics of politicians in Britain, and in many other countries in Europe it’s the same, and here in Orihuela Costa we are not immune from turmoil.

We have had the resignation of the vice president of PIOC which has caused a stir here on the coast and in Orihuela and which has been as big, if not bigger, than the split from Claro in 2018 which led to the creation of PIOC, leading the newly formed party to a great result in the 2023 elections.

Sadly, sensing the divisions inside the party, other political parties and individuals are now circling like sharks to see what (or who) they can pick up with the view of helping them in the next elections.

The current president of PIOC resided over this split, the same individual who oversaw the split from Claro 2018.

This is how political parties operate, using established local residents to help spread their agenda, explain their objectives to the communities. Politics – don’t we love it!

Anyway, here’s the important bit and a message to you. We still have a case to argue – that a robust local party is needed to fight for equality for Orihuela Costa,

There’s an old saying…“Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times.” 

To be politically correct, we should replace men with people.

What we also need for that party is a strong leader, someone who can unite the party and motivate all the residents in the Costa to finally get a fair deal for the coast and for the villages surrounding.

It could happen – take a drive to nearby Pilar, which once was joined to Orihuela but gained autonomy. It looks so much better and it could be the same for the Costa – provided we unite and fight for it together. It’s up to YOU!