Warning for Drone Users


Orihuela Local Police have taken to their social media profiles to remind everyone that a drone is not a toy, it is an aircraft.

The use of drones, even as a hobby, must comply with safety regulations. There are stricter rules for those who use them for commercial purposes.

The police also warn that the unauthorised or reckless use can have consequences, with penalties ranging from 60 to 225,000 euro.

Unlike some countries, all drones irrespective of size are governed by the regulations, and must comply with certain rules, including registration and mandatory insurance, amongst others. The operator must also be qualified and registered.

The Spanish Air Safety Regulator (AESA) points out that since 31 December 2020 the European regulations of UAS (drones) have been applicable. This standard affects all drones regardless of their use (recreative or professional) or size/weight.