Coffee and Tea will be on offer outside La Siesta Church, Calle Granados, Urb La Siesta every Wednesday from 29th May between 1030 and 1230 for anyone who would like to go.

The Chaplaincy of Ss Peter and Paul, Torrevieja which celebrates Mass at the church each week has decided to offer a new ministry of hospitality for those on the Urbanisation at La Siesta in Torrevieja and beyond.

Sue Maude, the congregational warden at the church said: Whether you are out for a walk, would like some company, fancy getting out, are going to the nearby health centre, or just fancy a cup of tea or coffee, we will be delighted to welcome you.

The church offers refreshments after Mass outside at weekends and has decided to extend this ministry to Wednesday mornings. Father Richard A. Seabrook SSC, the priest at the church, said: The area outside the church with the trees is a pleasant little oasis so it’s a delightful place to have cup of coffee. Anyone is welcome!

The lovely white church will also be open for private prayer at the same time for anyone who wants to some quiet time or even just wants a look inside.

Father Seabrook added: So often people walk past the church during the week and it is locked. I hope by opening it on a Wednesday morning and by offering tea and coffee it will become a place that people can come along for a chat with each other. They can also go inside and talk with God if they should so wish!

Mass times for La Siesta are listed on the noticeboard outside the church.

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