Another year of Blue Flags for Mojácar Beaches


Mojácar renews the four Blue Flags obtained last year, succeeding in being one of the 10 Almería municipalities that have achieved this distinction.

The Mojácar beaches of El Cantal, Lance Nuevo, Marina de la Torre, Venta del Bancal and Ventanicas have been awarded the Blue Flags awarded annually by the European Foundation for Environmental Education to the beaches and ports which meet the strictest criteria in regard to water quality, environmental management, safety and services, as well as environmental information and education.

Also taken into consideration by the conferring organisation are accessibility for people with reduced mobility, the existence of health care, lifesaving and maritime surveillance.

As has been happening every year, there are actually five beaches in Mojácar awarded the Blue Flag as Venta del Bancal and Ventanicas are two different beaches. The foundation only considers four, as the Venta del Bancal and Ventanicas beaches share the same water sampling point on being named the same bathing area in health terms, although they are really two.

Likewise, these beaches awarded with the Blue Flag also have the “Tourist Quality Commitment” SICTED quality label, which accredits and recognizes compliance with the quality requirements established by the Secretary of State for Tourism with the support of the Spanish Federation. of Municipalities and Provinces, recognising the effort and commitment to the quality and continuous improvement of tourist destinations.

The SICTED Quality Seal is valid for two years, although this is conditional on an annual follow-up evaluation in which the application of the standards established on its platform is guaranteed.

Other recognitions of its quality come from organisations such as The Most Beautiful Towns in Spain, of which Mojácar has been a member since its foundation, and from the Spanish Federation of Family Tourism, the locality being one of the first municipalities in Almería to be recognised by this social entity.

It is important to highlight the work of all the council departments involved in maintaining and improving the beaches’ optimal level of use and presenting the high level of quality of all Mojácar’s beaches, which leads to the renewal of all the recognitions they boast, as well as the effort also made by the business tourism sector with which the local authority works together all year round in an essential collaboration to maintain the high level acquired.

Mojácar has 17km of coastline, of which more than eight kilometres correspond to an urban beach area, and of these, more than five kilometres correspond to Blue Flag beaches.

As well as urban beaches, with all the services, Mojácar also has the so-called natural beaches, on which none is use prohibited, where bathers can enjoy bathing in the middle of nature and the magnificent landscapes of the locality.

Among all the services offered by Mojácar’s beaches in this 2024 season, it is worth highlighting the increase in the rescue and lifeguard service that the Beaches Department is expanding each season, making them even safer. Their facilities are also improved to make them more comfortable to use and more accessible to people with reduced mobility.