Grave and Doorknob Robbers Arrested


Officers from the Guardia Civil arrested a 58-year-old Spanish man in relation to the theft of a dozen large metal handles from several graves in the Cox municipal cemetery with the aim of selling them by weight.

According to the Guardia Civil, in addition to the theft from the cemeteries, this individual, who was also the subject of a search and arrest warrant for a crime against road safety, is also attributed to the theft of doorknobs of homes in the town centre of the same location.

Although the arrest was in February, the Guardia Civil only reported the matter this week, stating that most the property had already been returned to the rightful owners and the man had been remanded in custody.

Bizarrely, this is not the only doorknob theft arrest reported this week as the National Police also reported this Monday that in two parallel investigations they arrested two men in the city of Alicante, one 54 years old and Spanish for stealing doorknobs from neighbouring communities and another also Spanish, 51 years old. for allegedly stealing windows from common areas of buildings.

The officers also investigated two waste recovery plants that bought them by weight as scrap metal. These are two men of Spanish nationality and 29 and 40 years old.

According to the Police, the recycling plants bought the brass from those arrested at a very low market price, which ranged between 3.65 and 3.78 euro per piece for the doorknobs and between 1.10 and 1.20 per kilogram of aluminium windows, but the damage to the affected properties was much higher, ranging between 300 and 2,500 euro.