Regional Food Focus in Twenty Shows This Year


The regional Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has pointed out that the food of the Valencia region will be the star of more than twenty international shows and fairs this year, as her department plans to reinforce gastronomy promotion activities.

She stressed that “we have detected an increase in interest in demand for the gastrotourism product, which in the case of international tourists has increased to reach 45%, so we are going to further reinforce its promotion.”

In addition, there are other data that motivate this strategy, promoted through the gastrotourism brand L’Exquisit Mediterrani, such as the average expenditure that an international tourist makes when they arrive in the Valencian Community attracted by this product, and which rises to 205 euro, thus exceeding by 78 euro the average expenditure made in 2023, which was 126 euro. Although the minister ignoring the context in which prices have increased.

Specifically, throughout this month of April, the Valencian Community’s gastrotourism brand is expected to be present at the Dénia Red Prawn International Creative Cooking Contest, as well as in a gastronomic action that will take place on the 9th in Lisbon, with the participation of a Valencian chef along with another from the Algarve in a four-handed  cooking show.

Valencian gastronomy will also be present at the end of the month at the Gourmets Hall in Madrid and in a promotional action aimed at the public that will be organised in a shopping centre in Katowice, Poland. The rest of the year our products and chefs will travel to places such as the Biofach Fair in Nuremberg, World Tapas Day in Warsaw, and Diners Nommades in Marseille.

Some destination presentations that will be held in markets such as Stockholm, Porto, Munich, Helsinki, and Vienna, through the collaboration agreements that Turisme Comunitat Valenciana establishes with entities such as Conhostur or the Council of Chambers, will also have gastronomic tastings to present value this product to tour operators, travel agents and potential tourists.

Likewise, Turisme is working on its participation in some relevant gastronomic events in the Valencian Community such as Alicante Gastronómica, the DNA Festival, and Mediterránea Gastrónoma, where it will also be present.