Pink Ladies Office Closure


The Pink Ladies office at Flamenca Beach C.C. is currently out of use.

For the past few months the back of the office has been flooded on a daily basis, as one of the units two floors above has a severe leak which it is finding its way below. Volunteers have been going into the office every day to get rid of, approximately, 50 litres of water, yes that’s every day. The cupboard units have all fallen off the walls, half the ceiling has collapsed, the electricity keeps on tripping, so we have taken the decision to close the office down as it is neither safe nor healthy for to continue to operate from there.

The Pink Ladies will, nevertheless, continue to book screening appointments for members of the public, so anyone needing to book an appointment can do so by any of the following methods:

Call Maria on: 633 487 595

Via the web site

Every Monday at Zenia Boulevard between 12.00 & 14.00 hrs

Meanwhile, we are also looking for a new location to operate from so if anyone has a cheap unit we can rent please call Maria on the above number.

The charity has been very fortunate in that PSI Consultants, who own the current office have let us use it rent free for the last 10 years, so we are very grateful for their kindness.

Maria Wilson

President AACC Orihuela Costa