Panto Auditions for 2024 are Done and Dusted!


The Rojales Pantomime Group recently held auditions in preparation for their 2024 pantomime, Dick Whittington.   A number of enthusiastic auditionees gave their all to secure the role they wanted and as a result, an entertaining time was had by all those involved.  Competition was stiff and the panel faced a very difficult decision.


After much deliberation – the wealth of talent in the group was certainly outstanding – the panel agreed on the cast list and all the auditionees were notified.  As this pantomime draws on a large cast, everyone who applied was given a role or in some cases, multiple roles.


Soon after the auditions, the group also enjoyed a well organised social event in the form of 10 pin bowling followed by lunch.  Of course, the panto and upcoming read through dominated a very cheerful and excitable afternoon.


Pantomime is a very traditional, British form of theatre and this classic story of Dick Whittington contains no end of humorous lines, slapstick comedy, singing and dancing and a Cat with lots of Cattitude!


We are always looking for new members to join our happy crew and the planning is now being put in place for extra hands to help with building and painting of scenery, making props, helping backstage, etc.  Should you wish to join the group, please email  You will receive a warm welcome!