PSOE warns of no beach bars in Orihuela Costa for Easter
PSOE warns of no beach bars in Orihuela Costa for Easter

As we are approach the end of 2023, as in previous Years we give an analysis of how the year went, compared to the previous 12 months.

Normally we could sum it up in one paragraph. NOTHING HAS CHANGED, the same neglect, abandonment, biased funding etc etc, BUT 2023 will go down as one of the darkest chapters in the history of the municipality of Orihuela.

After the elections in May (which saw a fantastic result for PIOC in our first election) we now have a new coalition of PP & VOX. It is safe to say that in their first 7 Months in government they have done more damage to the reputation and image of this great town of Orihuela Costa than any of their predecessors.

First it was the ‘cluster cockup’ regarding the contracts for the Chiringuitos which have always contributed greatly to making Orihuela Costa such a fantastic location, drawing many tourists to the Coast. There was certainly plenty of negative press which was to be seen in the Spanish, English, German and other media here in Spain. It also reached the media back in England, Ireland and other countries, all of which had an adverse effect of the tourist sector.

Our town hall is not your typically run town hall, it is in a league of its own, a DEN OF INIQUITY, (a place where immoral or illegal practices are done), toxic from top to bottom. Between them, PP and VOX have broken so many key election promises, a budget for 2023, and the promise to reduce the number of assessors.

Not only do we have the maximum number allowed, but the first action that our elected representatives carried out was to vote for a pay rise, thereby making it the most expensive town hall in the history of the municipality.

Several weeks ago, there was the annual LGBT celebration, which was well supported by the previous governments, but not this year, virtually no support. Flags the size of hankies were flown for a very short time, also our councillor for the Coast, Manuel Mestre stated that there would be no funding for the LGBT as they are a minority, yet there are just under 300 living here. Then there was the cancellation of their annual charity fundraising event so that the association for the Moors and Christians could use the venue, which not only showed the politicians to be more interested in looking after their friends, but also confirmed it as being HOMOPHOBIC.

There was a day commemorated around the world for anti-violence against women, but our councillor for the coast did not recognise it, so he didn’t attend unlike previous governments.

It is safe to say that the town hall, the council members, the mayor, deputy mayor right through the ranks, do not understand the residents of Orihuela Costa, nor the pain and anger they have caused and will continue to do so.

P.I.O.C is the independent political party formed by former members of another party and dedicated residents of Orihuela Costa. Together, we are a strong community that needs to progress our approach is to create policies that suits our neighbours and visitors.

The residents of Orihuela Costa are tired of the many years of indifferences on the part of the different political parties and the municipality of Orihuela which has ruled with biased agendas.