Orihuela moves its municipal nativity scene to the old tourist office


The Orihuela City municipal nativity scene will now be located in the old tourist office “so as not to hinder the activities scheduled at La Lonja, and so that families can enjoy it in a calm and peaceful environment.”

The beleaguered Councilor for Festivities, Rocío Ortuño, has said that due to unforeseen circumstance it has been necessary to relocate the display, “because there are already a number of events and activities taking place in the La Lonja building that make it impossible to locate the Nativity scene in the same area. For this reason, it is necessary to move it to the old Tourism Office, located in the Plaza Teniente Linares in Orihuela centre.”

The activities that are scheduled at La Lonja include a Science and Technology Day, Children’s play, Festival de Navidad Escuela de Música Mariano Rogel, A lettering workshops, Forum Cinema, Piccolo Violin Concert, an Oleza School anniversary event.

The move will not constitute a substantial variation of the contract and the 17,000 euro cost will remain the same. This change has already been notified to the winning company. Which has 72 hours to begin work, with less than 2 weeks to Christmas Eve. Last year the opening of the nativity scene and the illumination of the Christmas lights took place on December 3rd.