Orihuela Tourism December routes


Orihuela Tourism has published its December tourist routes as it says goodbye to 2023 and looks ahead to Christmas and a spirit of solidarity.

The main focus this month is the “Canine Solidarity Route” which will take place on Sunday, December 10, leaving at 10:30 a.m. in San Bartolomé. There will be a walk with the dogs from the ASOKA shelter, a donation of 5 euros will be made and products destined for Cáritas will be collected.

Another route showing Christmas solidarity will be that of “Miguel Hernández. His Life and work” (December 16 at 11 a.m. departing from Plaza del Carmen). In it, products for Cáritas will again be collected (we especially appreciate long life milk, oil and clothing for adults).

The “Nativity Scenes with Tourist Train” will visit all the nativity scenes in Orihuela. This involves a small cost of 4 euros for adults and 3 euros for children under 12 years of age. This activity will take place in La Lonja on December 23 (at 11:30 a.m.) and December 26 (at 4:30 p.m.).

Do remember that places are limited and that reservations need to be made through the website www.orihuelaturistica.es.