Christmas in Torrevieja 2023 – Key Dates Announced


Preparations are underway for the Christmas in Torrevieja celebrations.

A canopy has been erected to protect the nativity scene for the first time, the illuminations contract should soon see the lights erected, a new consumer bonus scheme for the season is about to be launched, and the first two key dates in the calendar have been announced.

The Christmas tree will be illuminated in the main square on Sunday 3 December, at 6:00 p.m., the first Sunday of Advent. The tree has once again been gifted to Torrevieja by Sweden, and so the event will take on a very Scandinavian feel, although the community extends the invitation to attend to all residents of all nationalities.

On Friday 15 December, again starting at 6:00 p.m., the now famous Carols in the Square will take place. Similar to the tree lighting, this event very much has origins in a particular nationality, namely those from the UK, but with the considerable reduction in numbers of Brits living in Torrevieja, and with a more cosmopolitan outlook, the invitation to this event is also extended to all nationalities, so much so that the town hall hope to revise the playbook to include more songs that are universally known.

There will be a cultural agenda published soon.

The post Christmas in Torrevieja 2023 – Key Dates Announced first appeared on This Is Torrevieja – Torrevieja news and events.