New photo book about the Marina Alta


—Do you believe that vampires, zombies and ghosts exist? – asks the author on the cover of his new book about the Marina Alta. In this work, Markus Göttel, who lives in Beniarbeig, photographed the surroundings of the Marina Alta from an artistic perspective. The title “Mysterious Alta Marina” already explains the main idea of ​​this work of art. If you are a lover of abandoned buildings, old churches, dark tunnels, rusty things, strange antiques and symbolic places, you should definitely get this book.

When you look at the book, you believe you are encountering a creature of the night and are captured by a dark world. Many people don’t know most of the places photographed or have passed them dozens of times without knowing what they are or what they look like.

You will search in vain for texts and descriptions. The author was interested in the artistic representation of our beautiful environment.

It is the German’s first photo book, but his sixth publication overall. Markus Göttel is a martial arts trainer and has written several specialist books on different fighting styles. He is an all-rounder and writes, photographs, designs and publishes his books on his own.

Markus explains that he is not a professional photographer, but thanks to his diverse hobbies, he travels a lot and enjoys observing unusual things. “As children, we have a natural curiosity to look at abandoned buildings, climb mountains, go into caves and explore extraordinary things,” says the author.

—Unfortunately, this is lost with age. I always try to collect new impressions in order to at least stay mentally young. Life is like swimming against the current. When you stop swimming, you start swimming backwards.

He also points out that he photographed all the places with respect and great care so as not to damage anything and to leave everything in its original state.

The book project lasted a year. It is clear to see how much work and love goes into this work.

The book is printed in the highest quality and contains hundreds of photos on 172 pages. How well do you know the Marina Alta?