Generalitat orders removal of illegal pruning from Aguamarina


Although the summer and the high risk of fire is over, the microreserve running along the coast of Aguamarina, will finally have a thorough cleaning. In recent weeks and months it has been the scene of attacks against the environment in the form of illegal logging. Neither residents nor authorities know who these vandals are, but the cleanup and restoration of the damage is now in hand.

This has been announced by the Cabo Roig and Lomas Neighborhood Association, following information received from the Department of the Environment.

It is understood that the task will be given to  Actúa, who will remove the remains of pruning and felling in this microreserve. The one unfortunate aspect is that it has taken well over a year to get this far, despite repeated requests from AVCRL, which have all remain unanswered, “a palpable example of the lack of transparency of this council, which has failed to improve on the poor results of previous governments, despite an association, like ours, trying to help them solve the problem.”