Costa Blanca Singers gear up for Christmas

Costa Blanca Singers

The Costa Blanca Singers are a local group within La Marina urbanisation who first started singing in September of last year. In that time, their growth in members has continued to increase.

The aim of the Costa Blanca Singers is to share their talents at local events when asked to sing. Among their performances in their first year, The Costa Blanca Singers sang at the El Raso outdoor theatre helping to raise funds for Ukraine, Camping International Butterfly Ball and The Palm Tree in Consum Square both for The Debra Charity.

Recently Janet Ford and Lonée Hopwood, founders of CBS, presented €500 to AAN. Pictured here are Janet Ford and Lonée Hopwood as they handed over their donation to Brenda Bentley and Lesley Snell of AAN.

As a non-profit making group of singers, all proceeds are donated to local charities. Watch out for them in December as they sing at The Winter Wonderland in La Marina, Quesada for The Royal British Legion, Consum Square for Debra and The Ayuntamiento de San Francisco in the three-day fiesta. The Costa Blanca Singers look forward to your continued support.

Lonée Hopwood.

Costa Blanca Singers