Naval Veteran honoured by 1st Sea Lord


Los Dolses resident Carl Louden served in the Royal Navy from June 1978 until his retirement in October 2021, a period of some 43 years.  Now the Treasurer of the Royal Navy Association Torrevieja Branch, his service was honoured at the Branch’s annual Trafalgar Night dinner that took place on Saturday 21 October 2023.

He was presented with a rare Gold Valedictory Certificate by Captain Steve McGlory RN, the current Defence Attaché based in Madrid, who along with his wife Maribel, was the Guest of Honour.

The certificate was signed by the 1st Sea Lord, and comments on Carl’s exceptional commitment over the years, including service onboard Her Majesty’s Yacht Britannia, operational service in a number of theatres and the award of a Second Sea Lord’s Commendation for his contribution whilst employed as the RN Staff Officer in HMS KING ALFRED.

Carl has been fully supported by his close family and his wife Nicola, herself a Naval Veteran of some 24 years’ service.