Geoff Lloyd, centre, presenting the 2015 Diana Lloyd Shield

It is with sad regret, that we have to announce the death of Geoff Lloyd, who passed away on Saturday 14th October.

Geoff and his late wife, Diane, took a great interest in our Ladies League, which was inaugurated in 2003.

Then, in 2004, Geoff attended our very first Presentation Evening,  along with his son, Daughter and family. At this event, Geoff presented the Diana Lloyd Memorial shield, and, over the years he had attended many of our Presentation Evenings.  He always enjoyed his time with the teams in our League, and having a good head for numbers, he often marked our  games, for which we were always grateful.

Now, our thoughts and condolences are with his family at this sad time.  Rest in Peace Geoff, you and Diana, will always be remembered here in Spain.

Geoff Lloyd, centre, presenting the 2015 Diana Lloyd Shield